With this punch set from Vaessen Creative, you can punch a heart (Ø 50, 37.5, 25, 15, and 9.5 mm) from paper, cardstock, photos, cork, thin foam, and more in a single motion. Punches are the perfect sidekicks for decorating cards, scrapbook pages, art journals, planners, labels, and invitations.
This Vaessen Creative punch set is suitable for paper with a weight of min. 90 to max. 250 grams. Want to punch thin paper? Punch with thicker paper, like 160 grams, for the best result. You can also use the punch to cut through thin sheets of cork, scrapbook paper, decoupage paper, and thin foam. The designs of our punches are perfect for creating a variety of crafts. Use the punched-out shape or the stencil created by the punch.
Tip! Punch through aluminum foil every now and then to sharpen and maintain the punch.
*Note! To use the punches in this set correctly, it may be necessary to keep the punch on your work surface during use.