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Bullet Journaling

Bullet Journaling

Are you looking for a way to organise your life efficiently and creatively? Then bullet journaling is just the thing for you. With just a notebook and a pen, you can create a personal planner and diary to capture your goals, tasks, and creativity.

On this page, we will show you how the bullet journaling method works, how you can get started with it, and provide tips and inspiration so you can create a bullet journal that suits you perfectly!

In this article:

  1. What is Bullet Journaling?
  2. Bullet Journal for beginners
  3. Bullet Journal supplies
  4. How to Create a Bullet Journal
  5. Bullet Journal inspiration & layouts
  6. Tips to get the most out of your Bullet Journal
  7. Buy Bullet Journals

What is bullet journaling?

Bullet journaling, also known as BuJo, is a creative and flexible way to organise your life, set goals and organise your thoughts. Much more than just a diary or calendar, it's a system that you can customise to suit your own needs.

Flexible and personal

What makes a bullet journal unique is that you can use it to keep not only your to-do lists, but also your diary, notes from creative ideas to recipes, and even your journals and drawings. Bullet journaling is also a system that can be adapted by anyone to suit their personal needs and preferences.

Whether you are a student who needs to keep track of your study schedule, a professional who needs to manage projects, or someone who wants to organise their personal tasks, thoughts, and ideas. You can use different techniques and styles to give your journal a unique and personal touch.

Stay organised

Bullet journaling is therefore an excellent way to stay organised and keep track of your daily tasks. For beginners, keeping a bullet journal can seem overwhelming, but with a little practice it can become a habit that helps you stay organised. To get the most out of your bullet journal, it’s important to keep track of your tasks and goals regularly, find a system that works for you, and get creative with the layout of your pages.

Bullet journaling allows you to manage your life in an organised and effective way. On this page, we explain exactly how to do it!

Increase your productivity

Overall, a bullet journal gives you the freedom to use your journal as a planner, notebook, diary and more. In addition, keeping track of your daily tasks and goals in a bullet journal can help you stay organised and increase your productivity. The latter is also achieved through the method of ‘rapid logging', where you use short phrases and symbols to categorise and organise everything.

Bullet Journal for Beginners

If you are new to bullet journaling, it can be overwhelming to get started. Don't worry, below we explain exactly what you need for bullet journaling and how to get started. There are also many beginner resources available online to help you get started with your bullet journal. So read on, and then start collecting the right materials, such as a notebook and pen. Before you know it, you'll be a bullet journal pro.

Remember, a bullet journal is your own creative space, so make it as personal as you want it to be.

Bullet journaling supplies

You don't need much to start bullet journaling: a notebook and pen will get you started. Depending on your personal preferences, there are even more practical and fun tools and materials you can use to make your bullet journal all your own. Read on to find out exactly what you need to start a bullet journal:

1. Notebook (with dots)

When it comes to bullet journaling, the most crucial aspect is the notebook itself. A bullet journal is typically made up of dots instead of lines or squares. This is because dots allow for greater flexibility in terms of layout. Essentially, your bullet journal serves as a blank canvas on which you can write and draw freely without being constrained by pre-drawn lines.

You can use the dots to create charts, tables, lists, and diagrams, which can be very helpful for planning, tracking, and organizing. Additionally, the dots can be used to quickly create layouts for notes, lists, sketches, and more, exactly the way you want them. Lastly, it's important to ensure that your notebook has an adequate number of pages.

2 Fine liners & markers

When it comes to bullet journaling, you don't need any fancy pens; a simple pen will do. That being said, many bullet journal enthusiasts prefer using Sakura's Pigma Micron pens. These fine liners are great for both writing and drawing as they produce clean and precise lines. Additionally, they are waterproof and resistant to fading, ensuring that your journal will look neat and tidy for a long time.

Moreover, the fine liners come in various thicknesses, making them versatile and suitable for different purposes. If you want to add some colour to your bullet journal or make certain elements stand out, markers are a great option. While ordinary highlighters can be used, Tombow's Dual Brush pens are ideal for quickly adding a pop of colour or an inspiring quote to your journal.

3. Ruler

To create neat lines and shapes in a bullet journal, a ruler is essential. It simplifies dividing pages into weekly and monthly overviews, and creating layouts and charts.

4. Washi tape and stickers

Bullet journaling is a great way to express your creative side. You can decorate your bullet journal with inspirational quotes, illustrations, and more to make it uniquely yours. Washi tape and stickers are essential items in bullet journaling, and you can even find special bullet journal stickers for the month or week or with a notepad that you can write on.

The possibilities of washi tape are also endless. Not only can you use it to decorate your pages, but there are many other creative ways to use washi tape. Here are some examples of how you can use washi tape to enhance your bullet journal:

  • Use washi tape to stick cards, photos, small notes in your bullet journal to preserve your memories.
  • Add extra pages to your bullet journal easily.
  • Create bookmarks by folding a piece of washi tape in half around the edge of a page.*
  • Use washi tape instead of drawing lines to create a layout.
  • Made a mistake? Stick washi tape over it and it looks instantly cosy :)
  • Use washi tape with the days of the week or month, so that you don't have to write them.
  • Frame one or two pages with washi tape for a beautiful effect.

*Tip: Try using a whale tail tab punch to create tabs!

5. Stamps and stamping ink

Decorating your bullet journal is made easy with stamps and stamp ink. You can personalize your journal to your liking and there are plenty of stamps available that are specifically designed for bullet journaling. These stamps come in a variety of designs, including lines, decorated frames and borders, numbers, week and month names, and icons. They can be very helpful, especially if you struggle with drawing.

The basics: Journals

To fill your journal: Fine liners

To decorate: Stamps

How to make a bullet journal?

Are you wondering how to create a bullet journal? Once you have all the necessary supplies, setting up your bullet journal is easy. A bullet journal is a versatile tool that combines an agenda, a to-do list, and a diary all in one place. You can use these components interchangeably, but with the bullet journal method, everything remains organized and easy to find. Grab a pen and your bullet journal, and let's get started.

Watch the video below, or read below the video for a step-by-step explanation.

Step 1: Index

Open your notebook to the first two pages. These pages will serve as your index where you can keep track of all the different topics you’ll be jotting down in your bullet journal. If you’ve purchased a bullet journal, the title 'Index' might already be printed on these pages, but if not, you can write it in the top left corner of the first page. The index is a dynamic table of contents which means that every time you add a new item to your bullet journal, you;ll need to update your index by writing the title and corresponding page number in it. However, for now, you don't need to do anything about it.

Step 2: Future log

Next, we’re going to create the future log. To create it, turn to the next two consecutive blank pages. At the top of each page, write 'future log'. In this log, you can write all future appointments, birthdays, and other important events. Depending on the number of events, you can decide how many pages you need. In our example, we used three months per page, but if you have a lot of appointments, you can use two months per page instead.

Finally, make sure to number the pages at the bottom and add the future log to the index for easy reference.

Step 3: Monthly log

Go to the next two blank pages to create the monthly log. Write the name of the month you want to start with above each page. On the left-hand page, write numbers of the days will be your calendar: write the numbers of the days of the month underneath each other and next to each number, write the first letter of that weekday. Use the right-hand page for your monthly to-do list where you can list down all the tasks you want to do this month. Start each task with a dot.

Don’t forget to write page numbers at the bottom of the pages and add the monthly log in the index.

Step 4: Weekly or daily log

The weekly or daily log is the basis of your bullet journal. This is where you collect all your daily to-do lists, appointments, ideas, etc. You can choose between a daily or weekly log, depending on your preference. It's best to experiment with these and see which suits you best. For this step, let’s go with a weekly overview. Take the next two blank pages and label them with the current week’s dates. Write your tasks, appointments, notes, and ideas here for each day. Use the following symbols to organise your information:

• for tasks

○ for events or appointments

- for notes, thoughts, or ideas

∗ for important tasks

Try to keep your descriptions brief for each entry. When you finish a task, put a cross through the dot. For appointments that have passed, you may want to colour in the circle.

Further on under ‘Legend’, the legend of symbols is further explained.

Finally, write page numbers at the bottom of the pages and note the weekly or daily log in the index.

Step 5: Migration

Now that you have your bullet journal set up, we'll tell you how it all works and comes together. At the end of each month, create a new monthly log and start over. To do this, review your previous monthly and weekly or daily logs to see if there are any pending tasks. For each pending task, consider whether you still need to do it. If not, strike it out. If you still want to do the task, draw a right-pointing arrow > in front of it and write it in your new monthly overview.

Note: If the task isn't due for several months, write it in the future log for that month. In that case, write a < before it. Also, check your future log to see if there are any tasks for that month that still need to be noted in the monthly log. The process of carrying tasks over to a new month is known as “migration”. Don't forget to include this monthly log in your index.


Displayed in the image below are the essential bullet journal symbols for your reference. You may also include this legend, or ‘key’, at the start of your bullet journal. This allows you to promptly identify the meaning of each symbol.

Bullet journal inspiration and layouts

Now that you are familiar with the basics of bullet journaling and know how to create your own bullet journal, we are happy to share some more inspiring ideas and layouts with you.


Collections are another essential aspect of bullet journaling that we must not overlook. Collections are special pages that are dedicated to particular topics. They provide an organised way to collect and keep track of information, regardless of whether it’s a list of books you want to read, travel plans, or everything you are grateful for. To give you some ideas, we’ve compiled a list of collections that you can create to organise your bullet journal effectively:

  • Fitness goals
  • Recipes
  • Meal planner
  • Holiday planning
  • Inspiring quotes
  • Diary (prompts)
  • Cleaning to-do's
  • Favourite films
  • Books you want to read
  • AffirmationsBirthdays
  • Gift ideas
  • Funny things your child says
  • Your child's milestones
  • Bucket list
  • Blog post ideas
  • Social media ideas
  • Craft ideas
  • Creative inspiration

Habit trackers

Keeping track of your daily habits is important for achieving your goals. A habit tracker is a useful tool for this purpose. It involves creating a grid with habits that you want to track, like exercising, walking, drinking water or meditating. After performing a habit, mark the corresponding box in the grid. A colour-coded grid can give you a visual representation of your progress and motivate you to continue working on your habits. Some examples of habit trackers are:

  • Mood tracker
  • Water tracker
  • Sleep tracker
  • 1-drawing-a-day-tracker
  • Medidation tracker
  • Wake up tracker
  • Not eaten candy tracker
  • Reading tracker

Now that you've learned the basics of bullet journaling, it's time to express your creativity and develop your own unique style. Let's explore some inspiring ideas and layouts that you implement to bring your bullet journal to life.

Bullet journal examples

One of the best things about bullet journaling is the freedom to design your journal in any way you like. There are countless ways to set up your bullet journal, which can be inspiring to see examples made by other people. By searching for bullet journal examples online, you’ll be amazed at the beautiful creations people have made. From simple designs to lavish pages full of colour and embellishments, there are plenty of ideas to boost your creativity. You can also learn what works and what doesn't for your own bullet journal by examining other examples.

Tips to get the most out of your bullet journal

Now that you know what bullet journaling is, its benefits and how to get started, it's time to get the most out of your bullet journal. We have listed some helpful tips to help you optimize your bullet journal and stay organised creatively.

1. Experiment with layouts

You don’t have to limit yourself to the traditional to-do-list format. Feel free to try out different layouts, drawings, and colours to find what works for you. Whether you prefer a minimalist or more creative approach, your bullet journal can reflect your unique style.

2. Planning and reflection

Once you have set up your bullet journal, it’s important to update it regularly and evaluate what is working and what is not. Take some time in the morning or evening to open your bullet journal. Review your tasks for the day, prioritise them, and jot down any thoughts or ideas. This will help you stay focused and achieve your goals.

3. Symbols and colours

Using symbols and abbreviations can help you take notes faster. For instance, you can use symbols to mark events, tasks, and notes. Experiment with different symbols and colour codes to make your bullet journal visually appealing and easy to understand. You can use an arrow to indicate tasks that have been moved to another day, and an asterisk for essential notes. Also, using colours can help you differentiate between different categories in your journal and locate the information you need quickly.

4. Online inspiration

Bullet journaling has a thriving online community full of creative minds sharing their ideas and experiences. Join forums, follow inspiring bullet journal accounts on social media and get inspired by others. On Instagram and Pinterest, you can find lots of fun and beautiful examples of bullet journal pages and layouts. It's a great way to learn new techniques and develop your own style.

5. Be flexible

Be as flexible as your bullet journal! Life changes, and so do your needs and goals. Bullet journaling is flexible, so adapt it as your needs change. Whether keeping track of work projects, family appointments or personal goals, your bullet journal is a blank canvas that you can adapt to every stage of your life.

Buying a bullet journal

If you have become enthusiastic about bullet journaling and would like to get started yourself, it is time to buy a bullet journal. There are many different options available, so it can be useful to do some research before buying one.

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a bullet journal is size. Think about how much space you need for all your notes and layouts. Some people may prefer a smaller size that fits easily in their bag, while others prefer more space to get creative.

In addition, you can also look at the type of paper. Do you like smooth paper so you can work with markers, or do you prefer thicker paper so you can paint on it with water colours? Finally, you can think about additional features such as pages with dot patterns (dot grid) or line paper as tools for sketching or drawing straight text lines.

At Vaessen Creative, you can find various bullet journals, such as our own bullet journal in A5 size with dot gridor Bruynzeel's bullet journals. Finally, Nellie Snellen has a bullet journal with a ring binderthat you can fill with leaves yourself. With the accompanying collection of clear stamps and cutting dies, you can put together a bullet journal exactly the way you want in no time. The video below shows you how.

The brand Nellie Snellen has changed to Nellie's Choice

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