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Teilen Sie Ihrer großen Liebe mit, dass Sie sie lieben! Mit einer selbst gebastelten Valentinskarte oder einem selbst gemachten Valentinsgeschenk gelingt Ihnen die ultimative romantische Überraschung. In dieser Kategorie finden Sie zahlreiche Ideen rund um den Valentinstag und niedliche DIY-Projekte. Sammeln Sie hier Inspirationen. Spread the love!

201 Produkte

What could be more romantic to get, and more fun to create than a homemade Valentine's Day card? Vaessen Creative has all you need to create it. Punches, stamps and templates with little hearts and flowers, solid card stock, beautiful paper and all sorts of embellishments.

American Crafts

K&Company has special Valentine paper pads and American Crafts has a Valentine card stock variety pack. Hobby products from these and other suppliers are available at Vaessen Creative.


To remind you of Valentine's day, everywhere you go, you can see hearts. Vaessen Creative has everything to decorate your (hart shaped) gifts and to enchant your beloved in an original way. Ribbons, washi tape, boxes, pouches and bags with romantic motifs from, for example, Martha Stewart Crafts.