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Woodburning a wood slice

Woodburning a wood slice

Turn your favourite design or drawing into a lasting piece of art on wood! With a
few simple steps, you can learn the basics of woodburning and bring your design
to life on a wood slice.

Scarica PDF
Print out a design of your choice, sized to fit your wood. You can find the design for this project in the PDF on this page.
Flip the paper over and shade the back with a soft or graphite pencil, ensuring the entire back is covered with graphite.
Cut the design to fit the wood, and secure the paper with masking tape.
Trace over the design with a harder pencil, applying enough pressure to transfer the lines.
Remove the paper from the wood. The design should now be transferred onto the wood. If any lines are faint, go over them lightly with pencil.
Prepare your workspace and allow the woodburner to heat up fully. Use the fine tip to start burning the thinner lines or outlining larger areas.
For broader lines or larger areas, you can switch to a wider tip. Let the woodburner cool completely before changing the tip.
Finished woodburning? Lightly erase any remaining pencil marks, and if desired, apply a layer of varnish to complete your project.