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Halloween heksenhoed van vilt

Halloween heksenhoed van vilt

Halloween knutselen? Wij hebben al het hobbymateriaal dat je nodig hebt om een
griezelig Halloween feest te vieren. Maak bijvoorbeeld deze heksenhoed van het
Vaessen Creative vilt! Versier de hoed met foam stickers, lint en kunstsneeuw
en voeg zo iets unieks toe aan je Halloween kostuum! Zelf een heksenhoed maken?
Volg dan de stappen in dit DIY project! 

With scissors, cut a circle with a diameter of 30cm from the 30,5x30,5cm piece of felt. This is the brim of your witch’s hat. TIP: if you want to wear the hat, cut a hole for your head in the middle of the circle. An alternative is to put lights inside it to create a fun effect in your Halloween decorations!
Take a second piece of felt and cut it into a conical shape to make a cone. This will be the pointy top of your handmade witch’s hat.
With a hand punch, make 11 lace holes in the two straight sides of the cone. To make sure that the holes are equally spaced on both sides, fold the shape in two. Lay the side with holes on top of the other side and then punch out the second row of holes.
Thread the leather cord through the holes in the witch’s hat. Do this in crisscross fashion, as with shoelaces.
Use the felt glue to stick the top of your witch’s hat to the round brim.
Next, decorate your hat with Halloween decorations such as foam stickers with a Halloween text and pictures, orange ribbon and artificial snow. Voilà! Your Halloween costume is ready for the party!